Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Weekly Update 12/18

 *** The Kindergarten Winter Project is Due after the break on January 6th -- It is a poster showing how your child served someone in the community and showed kindness. 

Important upcoming dates:

12/19-1/3: Winter Break -No School
1/6-1/8: Early Release Days/Parent-Teacher Conferences: Please be on the lookout for a sign-up form for your student's teacher soon. 
1/11: Grandparent Bingo Night
1/20: No School - MLK day
1/22: Class celebration:100th day of school
2/7: Early Dismissal at 12:30
2/8: Daddy-Daughter Dance 6-8:30 pm
2/11:  Class picture day
2/14: Great Hearts Day - A celebration of Friendship (NO valentines)
2/21Birthday Book Club, Treat Friday, Spirit Wear Day
2/17: No school - President's Day
2/28: School Field Day

Check out what we learned this week


We have worked hard this semester and introduced 57 of our phonogram sounds. We are well on our way to knowing almost all 70 phonograms. Keep reviewing each night and focus on any phonograms your child is struggling with. The more they practice the sound, the more familiar it will be to them. You can even make it a game and have them show you the cards to see what you have learned. :-) Encourage your child to write on paper, whiteboards, shopping lists, etc. Remind them to think of the phonogram sounds they hear and practice writing what they hear. We are not looking for perfect or correct spelling, but we call it inventive spelling, where they write the best they can the sounds they hear. 


This week, we read various versions of The Gingerbread Man to prepare for our hunt on Friday. We had fun talking about how they were similar and different. We also shared which versions were our favorites and why. Our poem this week was Three Blind Mice. We discussed the original version but then found other silly versions to enjoy. In grammar, we practiced looking at story illustrations and creating sentences based on what we saw and noticed happening in the picture. 


This week for math we continued talking about the numbers between 11-20. The students understand that while numbers 13-19 are teen numbers, 20 is not, because it has two groups of ten instead of one. They also really enjoyed identifying all of our learned teen numbers through a game called "I have, Who Has". It was challenging to listen for your number and call out the next number, but when we worked in pairs the students did not want to stop playing!

We hope you all have a wonderful Winter Break! See you in 2025!

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