Upcoming Dates:
9/2: No School - Labor Day
9/10: Online ZOOM Spalding & Singapore night
9/20: Early Dismissal at 12:30
9/27: Spirit Wear, Treat Friday (popsicles for $1), September Birthday Book Club
9/24-26: Book Fair
9/26: Literacy Night - Come have a fun night at school and celebrate reading
10/4: Early Dismissal at 12:30
10/7-11: No School - Fall Break
Check out what we learned this week
This week in Spalding, we continued learning our single-letter phonograms. We continued to review past phonograms and introduced j, k, l, m, and n this week. As we practice these letters, we still focus on the proper formation, remembering to start at the top of each letter. The lowercase k needs more practice, so encourage your scholars to consider the top line, midpoint, and baseline when writing their letters. Having an Alphabet nearby is very helpful. We have also been focusing on hearing the syllables and sounds in words using our hands. These things will help in their development of sounding out for spelling.
I read the story The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton this week. We learned a bit about personification and how the house felt and reacted during different parts of the story. We also read the story Make Way for Ducklings, where a family of ducks adapt to their environment and find help along the way. We see people show citizenship and how one small act of kindness can lead to much more kindness. We talked about the characters being animals and where the setting was. We have continued to practice remembering the Beginning, Middle, and Ending of the stories we read. For our weekly poem, we recited This Little Piggy. We learned that this is a familiar rhyme for babies and children. In September, you will see a new monthly poem. You can find it on next week's homework and the Poems tab on the blog. We will practice it at school but ask you to also practice at home. Scholars will present it in front of the class at the end of the month. In Grammar, full-day scholars talked about authors' words and continued to focus on speaking in complete sentences.
We continued our study of numbers this week. We counted, wrote, and recalled numbers up to eight. As we work towards higher numbers, it is important to remind students to count in an organized manner. We discussed why you should count in order and how it is less likely to make a mistake. The numeral eight can be tricky, so extra practice with this number is essential. Try fun activities like writing in chalk, skywriting, dry-erase boards, or even using a tray of salt and forming the number with your finger. The more practice they have (especially if it is fun practice), the more comfortable they will feel when writing.
We have been having fun learning about our five senses. We continued learning this week by discussing our sense of smell and taste. We looked at the parts of our nose and observed how it is made of cartilage, just like our ears. We examined our tongue and learned the bumps are called papillae, and they have even tiny hairs that help us taste. We learned that the nose and mouth are connected, so that is why when we have a stuffy nose, it is also hard to taste. We also had fun being scientists doing experiments with smelling and tasting. We had mystery smells to guess and various foods to taste. We learned there are different types of taste, such as bitter, sweet, salty, sour, and savory.
This week in history, we learned a new continent song. The children are learning the names of the 7 continents and their locations on a map. The children also learned the difference between a continent and an ocean and completed an activity using paint, scissors, and glue. It's always a crowd favorite! The children learned the names of the five oceans and ordered the oceans from biggest to smallest.